Thursday, August 28, 2014

Who Am I?

Who Am I?
I am I displaced child of generations past who longs for simpler times.  I'm ready to get back to a world when 'girls' were 'dolls' and were curvy (I have my reasons), when fast food was our last option not our first choice, dancers didn't know what a twerk was, gals' hair was tall, men used hair grease, and kids played outside.  I wish I had my grandma's style and I wish I knew how to run a kitchen the way she did.  I quote movies and music in most conversations and enjoy flipping words around for my own entertainment.  Why am I introducing myself as Vintage Kitchen? I love vintage style, makeup, hair, food, cars -- oh cars---(sigh) and I want to bring a little taste of simpler thymes to my little corner of the world.  Join me.  You won't regret it.


  1. I am glad to meet you Becky Wilson. aka Vintage Kitchen.

  2. I think we were sisters in another lifetime.
