Saturday, September 13, 2014

I love it when a plan comes together

Sometimes people ask me how I have time to cook every night.  Easy: I'm a planner. I do not like surprises.  I do not fly by the seat of my pants. I do not arbitrarily purchase ingredients that have no purpose in life.  It even makes me a little uncomfortable when my kids or husband help themselves to a snack that I hadn't accounted for in my menu planning.
I plan my menu for my grocery shopping trip and I plan it when I prepare meals. I have a chalkboard on my fridge with the weeks meals listed out so that there are no surprises.  You can go getcha one at your friendly Hobby Lobby.  I hot glued mine to my fridge for safety purposes. 
I try to cook once and serve twice.  When I have two dishes on my weekly menu that include chicken, I cook all of the chicken early in the week and it's ready when I need it, I just have to add the sauce or other components of the dish.  Same goes for ground beef, meat sauce and rice.  I make sure to include one crock pot meal each week and I try to use the crock pot on my busiest night of our week.  That just makes life easier. Life is easier when it's planned and when the plan is followed to the letter- and we all know that our plans are always  Therefore, life is always easy.

1 comment:

  1. ...and of course you have to use a different, fancy font for each menu item. Makes your menu a piece of art.
